ADHD Australia announces new board

ADHD Australia Announcement

Wednesday 6th March 2024: ADHD Australia announces the appointment of four new board members and expands the board advisory as they advance in leading ADHD Advocacy and National reform.

Professor Simon Clarke, Associate Professor Melanie Porter, Michael Guilday, and Emmet Fay have joined the Board as Non-Executive Directors. Dr Karl Sebire and Emma Harrington join as Board Advisory members for its milestone expansion.

These new appointments follow the retirement of long-serving directors, Professor Michael Kohn, Dr Patrick Concannon, Chris Bevan and Kathy Gibbs.

Announcing the changes, Mr Matthew Tice, ADHD Australia Board Chair, acknowledged the milestone year 2023 was and expressed gratitude to outgoing Board members for their service to the community and ADHD Australia over many months and years.

“As ADHD Australia positions to support the national community through consultation and implementation of the national framework, our organisation, our foundations, and strategic direction were impacted greatly by the tenure of the retiring board members. I want to express our thanks and gratitude for their wisdom, counsel, and commitment to ADHD Australia”, Mr Tice said.

“As we enter our 10th year in 2024 working towards an agenda for national change, we are excited to welcome new Board directors and advisors, who bring a wealth of professional and lived experiences.”

“Professor Simon Clarke, a developmental paediatrician and founder of Centre for Research into Adolescents Health, having completed his research at Harvard in ADHD and learning difficulties, he was instrumental in establishing the ADHD Clinic at Westmead Hospital.”

“Macquarie University School of Psychology, Associate Professor Melanie Porter, is an esteemed and published scientist-practitioner with a depth of research, clinical and lived experience in the field, being a member of editorial boards, having obtained a PhD in Clinical Neuropsychology, has already made great progress in her work of understanding teacher education in ADHD.”

“Michael Guilday with his General Counsel experience across governance, legal leadership, advocating for regulatory and policy advancements, and promoting workplace neurodiversity in his roles as Executive Committee Member of the Association of Corporate Counsel Australia, Committee Member of the Property Council of Australia and Committee Member of the Law Society of NSW.”

“Emmet Fay, a seasoned corporate affairs professional with a breadth of experience in Government Relations, leading engagement and advocacy with multiple States and the Commonwealth on complex policy and regulatory issues.”

“As part of our commitment to making the world a better place for those with ADHD, we welcome Dr Karl Sebire and Emma Harrington to our Advisory Board. Dr Karl Sebire is a leading expert in digital distraction, technology dependence, and screen time, with two decades spent in secondary and tertiary education. Emma Harrington brings a wealth of professional and international experience leading membership and media organisations with a track record of pioneering outcomes, advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, as well as bringing lived experience.”

Mr Tice said, “It’s an honour to serve on the ADHD Australia Board. Alongside fellow board members, I am full of hope for our future and the role ADHD Australia will play in supporting those living, working, and learning with ADHD.”