ADHD Australia launches its National ADHD Community Gaps and Priorities Report at the Annual ADHD Conference – 24 October 2020

ADHD Australia launches its report on the gaps and priorities for those living with ADHD within our communities across Australia at the Annual ADHD Conference which was held online this year.

If you missed hearing about the ‘Under The Radar’ report on the day it was launched you can always catch up and listen to the recording (see the end of this article for web-links).

Mr Len Russell, CEO of ADHD Australia, outlined the survey and report on Sat 24th October 2020 in a webinar as part of the Annual ADHD Annual Conference held each October by the ADDults with ADHD Support Group.

He spoke about the survey and subsequent report giving great insight into the costs, stigma, gaps in services and the priorities which the ADHD community across the country feel need addressing.

Len spoke about the ‘ADHD Australia National Survey Report: the voice of the ADHD community’ survey and report (Under The Radar report) that aimed to identify and clarify the key issues faced by people living with ADHD at all levels, geographically and demographically, and their carers, to provide ADHD Australia with the foundation on which to build a strategic work plan and guide engagement.

Among many priorities, three key areas of concern stood out which are:

•             The cost of life of living with ADHD.
•             The need for schools to truly accommodate, empathise with and understand children with ADHD, to help them meet the unique challenges they face.
•             The need for awareness and understanding of the challenges people at all ages with ADHD face in day-to-day aspects of work, social and family life.

This announcement by ADHD Australia was just one of the webinar topics which the ADDults with ADHD Support group put on to inform the community about many things ADHD related.

CLICK HERE to listen to the recording of Len Russell on Sat 24 October 2020.

CLICK HERE to visit the ADDults with ADHD Support Group website who put on the day’s events.

CLICK HERE to view the ADHD Australia National Survey Report: the voice of the ADHD community’ survey and report (Under The Radar report).

ADHD Australia