ADHD Australia welcomes the recently announced Tasmanian Government’s inquiry on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) services following a motion put forward in Tasmanian Parliament.  

The inquiry will report on the availability of the assessment, treatment and support services for people with ADHD in Tasmania. 

The motion was put forward by Liberal Member for Clark, Simon Behrakis, who has recently been diagnosed with ADHD and spoke about how this will help other Tasmanians. 

“It will also provide an avenue for the thousands of other Tasmanians who have similar experiences, and are struggling with navigating the status quo to contribute, to have their stories heard,” said Mr Behrakis. 

ADHD CEO Melissa Webster commended Mr Behrakis for his courage in raising the motion and speaking about his experiences.  

“The recent announcement will go a long way in ensuring that the voices of those who have ADHD are heard and listened to.” Ms Webster said.  

“By talking about his own experiences with ADHD, Mr Behrakis helped further reduce the stigma associated with having ADHD.” 

“We look forward to further announcements and will welcome any opportunity for consultation during the inquiry.” 

ADHD Australia previously contributed to the Federal Government’s Senate inquiry intobarriers to consistent, timely and best practice assessment of ADHD and support services for people with ADHD

While the Senate Inquiry’s Final Report was released in November 2023, the Federal Government has yet to respond to the Senate Inquiry’s recommendations.  


ADHD Australia