CEO update, 31 August 2018

Good afternoon,

In response to a number of requests to update the various ADHD groups, and their members across the country, about what ADHD Australia has been up to I have listed below a summary of the activities and achievements for ADHD Australia since I arrived in the September of last year.

ADHD Australia has been undertaking a number of longer term initiatives to improve the lives of those with ADHD as well getting ourselves ready to undergo any scrutiny from either the regulator or the public about the organisation.

Please note that some of the activities which ADHD Australia has been undertaking has been with the assistance of other ADHD groups. Our grateful thanks to all those contributing to the cause.

Advocacy / submissions for policy change
1. Census 2021; submission completed in July 2018, where ADHD Australia requested additional questions (relating to ADHD and other learning disabilities in general) to be added to the Census questionnaire.

Education, information and news
1. ADHD Australia, with the assistance of the ADHD professional group, Australian ADHD Professional Association (AADPA) auspiced the inaugural ADHD Community Information Day in Sydney on 29 July 2018. We will be endeavouring that this be an annual event.
2. ADHD Australia has streamlined/upgraded the use of the online email platform (MailChimp) to keep in contact with our supporter/subscriber base.
3. ADHD has reviewed three eBooks during 2018 from Australia. These eBooks (“Child Without an Off Switch” and “ADHD: Not Just Naughty” and “Fridays with Tristan”) are aimed at providing a child’s perspective to living with ADHD or an informative resource for parents and are linked in the resources section of our website.

Online help
ADHD Australia continues to receive around seven (7) emails per week requesting help or assistance in the treatment and management of ADHD, either from the individual themselves or from a parent. These requests are sent to the and responded to by a medical practitioner who is also on the board of ADHD Australia.

Legal obligations & licences
1. Fundraising Licences have been completed across all Australian jurisdictions
2. Stamp Duty Exception registration has been completed in March 2018
3. ADHD Australia’s finances continue to be externally and independently audited each year
4. ADHD Australia remains registered with the Australian Charities and Non-profits Commission (ACNC) and continues to maintain its Tax Deductable charity status (Designated Gift Recipient – DGR) as a Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
5. ADHD Australia is represented, and abides by, the ‘Ethical Code of Conduct’ for fundraising as set out by the Fundraising Institute of Australia

Website development
The website has had the content updated and this will continue as more information and links are added. ADHD Australia recognises that much more evidence based content which is both informative and interesting needs to be added along with easier navigation and functionality. The updating of the website is an ongoing project.

The above list of achievements and initiatives have been achieved by the interest, passion, expertise and determination of various individuals on the board of ADHD, its volunteers and other individuals who have an interest in providing a positive outcome for people living with ADHD and their families to the community as a whole.
My additional and personal thanks to all those I have spoken to and have become involved in assisting ADHD Australia become more effective to changing the way ADHD is viewed within our communities as well as activities involving us within their own advocacy efforts.

Yours sincerely,
Len Russell