Over 650 people contributed to a community submission report to the Senate Inquiry into ADHD, proudly facilitated by ADHD Australia. People with ADHD, parents, carers, teachers, researchers and medical professionals responded to the survey to call on the government to deliver urgent reforms.

ADHD Australia CEO, Melissa Webster said “it was essential that we include the ADHD community in our submission to the Senate Inquiry and give people a platform to share their stories and drive change”.

A common theme in ADHD Australia’s survey was how stigma can impact all aspects of life – careers, school, relationships and family. The ADHD community is insisting on greater education and calling for better access to timely ADHD assessments, diagnoses, treatments and support.

“I’ve experienced firsthand some of the barriers to early and accurate diagnosis for girls living with ADHD, and many other women like me who are now getting diagnosed with ADHD later in life”, said Ms Webster.

“This Senate Inquiry needs to be a turning point for the government to take action, including providing access to the NDIS, greater support in schools, more funding and making it easier to seek diagnosis and treatment”.

ADHD Australia passed on all survey responses onto the Senate Inquiry into ADHD for their consideration.

ADHD Australia lodged its Understanding ADHD: Breaking down barriers to ADHD communities thriving submission to the Senate Inquiry on Friday 9 June 2023.

ADHD Australia is the leading national organisation engaging in public awareness, education and advocacy to make Australia a better place for people living with ADHD.


Melissa Webster
CEO – ADHD Australia
M: 0451 405 976
E: ceo@adhdaustralia.org.au

ADHD Australia