We need your help to understand the needs of the ADHD Community.

ADHD Australia is passionate about making Australia a better place for all people living with ADHD. The Federal Government will be funding some projects to assist the ADHD community, but the priorities for these projects have not been defined yet. We are keen to get your views on a broad range of topics so that we have a better understanding of our community’s current and most important issues, so that we can help to make sure the projects address these priorities.

We would really appreciate you completing this survey, which will be open until Wednesday 24 June 2020, and sharing it with as many of your contacts as possible so that we get a significant number of responses and viewpoints. All responses will be treated confidentially, and all data will be de-identified and consolidated. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

Please click here on this link to access our survey.

Alternatively, please go to our Facebook page to also access the survey: https://www.facebook.com/adhdaustraliaofficial/posts/702497150498397

When the results are ready, you will be able to view them on our website, Facebook page or via our email updates.

Thank you for your assistance and support for this survey. We look forward to using the results to help define the priority projects that will make a positive difference to people with ADHD and their families.

Yours sincerely
Len Russell
ADHD Australia
3 June 2020

ADHD Australia