NSW Department of Education Interim Report now released and available for public comment

The NSW Curriculum Review Interim Report is now available. It has been developed by the Review Lead, Professor Geoff Masters, as a basis for consultation on the broad directions for reform it identifies. It considers feedback from the 2018 consultation, alongside guidance from learning research, and reform initiatives from Australian and international jurisdictions. The Interim […]

Collaboration across the mental health charities for systemic change

On Wed 16 October 2019, Prof Michael Kohn, and Mr Len Russell, our Chair and CEO respectively, attended the inaugural ‘Community Partners Summit’ conducted by Nicole Rogerson from Neurodevelopment Australia. This morning event was generously hosted by Ernst and Young in their Sydney offices. Neurodevelopment Australia is a new organisation which is looking to help […]

Newsletter – June/July 2019

We have the latest issue of our newsletter, The Voice, ready for you to read. So go to our Newsletter Archive section to view this issue and any past ones.

CEO update, 9 May 2019

Good afternoon, ADHD Australia has undertaken a number of submissions to government and made headway towards having the voice of person’s with ADHD, parents and children heard. We will continue advocating for positive change within Australia for those living with ADHD. Below is a summary of the items which ADHD Australia has been undertaking for […]

Australian Patient Organisation Network conference

IN SYDNEY. 2nd and 3rd May 2019. The Centre for Community-Driven Research (CCDR) and the Australian Patient Organisation Standing Committee (APOSC) – a group of eight organisations including MS Australia, Unicorn Foundation, SMA Australia, hearts4heart, Muscular Dystrophy WA, Lymphoma Australia, Save Our Sons Duchenne Foundation and CCDR – developed the concept of holding an annual […]

Newsletter – February 2019

We have the latest issue of our newsletter, The Voice, ready for you to read. So go to our Newsletter Archive section to view this issue and any past ones.

Newsletter – November 2018

We have the latest issue of our newsletter, The Voice, ready for you to read. So go to our Newsletter Archive section to view this issue and any past ones.

CEO update, 31 August 2018

Good afternoon, In response to a number of requests to update the various ADHD groups, and their members across the country, about what ADHD Australia has been up to I have listed below a summary of the activities and achievements for ADHD Australia since I arrived in the September of last year. ADHD Australia has […]

IMB Bank supports ADHD Australia

IMB Bank Community Foundation supporting ADHD Australia On Wednesday 27th June, Illawarra-based IMB Bank awarded funds to enable a new project which will expand a one-stop website for ADHD families across Australia. ADHD Australia, Westmead Hospital’s Centre for Research into Adolescent’s Health (CRASH) and the Westmead Hospital Foundation (previously known as the Westmead Medical Research […]

Newsletter – January 2018

We have the latest issue of our newsletter, The Voice, ready for you to read. So go to our Newsletter Archive section to view this issue and any past ones.

ADHD Australia