Good afternoon,

ADHD Australia has been more active in the media since May and have had, most notably, representations on national TV and radio as well as in the national press.

Media and online
1. On 30 July 2019, Mr Jeffrey Choy shared with Dr Hugh Morgan and with Studio Ten’s host, Sarah Harris, why he always found it hard to concentrate from a young age, but his life was suddenly transformed when he was diagnosed with ADHD aged 50.
2. On 5 August 2019, host, Philip Clark, from the ABC Radio National’s ‘Nightlife’ program, spoke with Associate Professor Michael Kohn, Chair of ADHD Australia, Maddi Derrick, a clinical psychologist from Tasmania, specialising in helping parents who have children with ADHD and Jonathan Hassall, an ADHD coach in Brisbane who assists predominately adults with ADHD. In the one hour interview they explored diagnosis, medications and other aspects of ADHD which people live with throughout their lives as well as took questions from listeners.
3. On 25 August 2019 in the SMH, ADHD Australia Chair, Professor Michael Kohn said schools were “looking for the phrase that pays” as schools push parents of ADHD children to switch diagnosis.
4. On 3 November 2019 in the SMH, Chairman of ADHD Australia, Professor Michael Kohn said there had been “exponential growth” in the number of adults seeking ADHD testing as the public was becoming more aware of the condition. “Our helpline received one call a week about adult assessments five years ago. Now our email help line receives three inquiries a day…They’ll have ADHD traits that weren’t picked up in childhood or they were dismissed as the naughty kid.”

Advocacy / submissions for policy change
An update from the NSW Department of Education Curriculum Review was received by ADHD Australia and is available from the NSW Department of Education’s website.

Education, information and news
1. We have been able to use the newly designed website templates to transfer our current and add new information to our website. The cutover was achieved after community testing on Sat 21 September. The official launch with our sponsor, IMB Bank, will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time shortly.
2. ADHD Australia relaunched its Facebook page with a new address, look and feel in June 2019. Our new Facebook address is now at: so please go ahead and ‘like’ us
3. On Wed 16 October 2019, Prof Michael Kohn, our ADHD Australia Chair, and I, attended the inaugural ‘Community Partners Summit’ conducted by Nicole Rogerson from Neurodevelopment Australia. Neurodevelopment Australia is a new organisation which is looking to help build bridges into the community and family space to ensure advocates and community organisations across ADHD and other mental disorders are at the forefront of governmental policy change and research initiatives. Michael and I represented ADHD Australia at this initial meeting and will update as further meeting happen in the early part of 2020.

Online help
We are receiving more and more requests for assistance to our online email info line. ADHD Australia receives now between 15 to 21 emails per week requesting help or assistance in the treatment and management of ADHD, either from the individual themselves or from a parent. These requests are sent to the and responded generally within a 48 hour period.

Legal obligations & licences
1. ADHD Australia remains registered with the Australian Charities and Non-profits Commission (ACNC) and continues to maintain its Tax Deductable charity status (Designated Gift Recipient – DGR) as a Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).  ADHD Australia is represented, and continues to abide by, the ‘Ethical Code of Conduct’ for fundraising as set out by the Fundraising Institute of Australia
2. ADHD Australia’s finances are externally and independently audited each year. These reports are submitted at the Annual General Meeting which is next scheduled for Sat 23 November.

I reiterate that it is only with the interest, passion, expertise and determination of various individuals on the board of ADHD, its volunteers, other individuals and ADHD groups who have an interest in providing a positive outcome for people living with ADHD and their families, that we have been able to achieve what we have these few past months especially in the national media. Thank you all.

Yours sincerely,
Len Russell

ADHD Australia