Good afternoon,

ADHD Australia has undertaken a number of submissions to government and made headway towards having the voice of person’s with ADHD, parents and children heard.
We will continue advocating for positive change within Australia for those living with ADHD.
Below is a summary of the items which ADHD Australia has been undertaking for the past nine (9) months, where some of these important activities are being championed by other groups, please accept our grateful thanks.
Many of these items you can be viewed on our website or are in ‘The Voice’ newsletter.

Media and online
1. On 17th October 2018, Michael Kohn (Chair of ADHD Australia) and ADHD advocate Ms Louise Kuchel (from the Parents for ADHD Advocacy Australia) spoke on the Channel 9 TODAY program, to clear up common misunderstandings about ADHD.
2. ADHD Australia has promoted other positive television media segments, on SBS ‘The Feed’ and SBS ‘Insight’ programs, during ADHD Awareness month in October.
3. ADHD Australia supported the online Facebook campaign, “Rethink ADHD” during ADHD Awareness Month, in October 2018, which was championed by the Parents for ADHD Advocacy Australia (PAAA).

Advocacy / submissions for policy change
1. NSW Department of Education Curriculum Review; submission completed November 2018, where ADHD Australia put forward a view on what is required for students with ADHD , and other learning developmental disorders, to learn in a more inclusive environment.
2. Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health; submission completed April 2019, where our submission provided information about ADHD and the measures which can be undertaken to improve individual outcomes in education, workplaces and life, to increase productivity and reduce the economic burden this disorder has within Australia.
3. Representatives from ADHD Australia and the Parents for ADHD Advocacy Australia met with the NSW Department of Education in April to commence positive discussions about inclusion and support for students as well as teacher education

Education, information and news
1. We have updated our website’s resources. New and updated listings have been undertaken for Resources Online, Resources In Print, Support Groups listed and links to the Health Department’s Online Clinicians Directory put in place. These resources will continue to be updated as new information is given to ADHD Australia.
2. ADHD’s, ‘The Voice’, newsletter required an updated format to enable it to be produced more quickly and more easily formatted than previously. This make-over will enable the newsletter to be produced more regularly than it has been able to do so in the past.

Online help
We are receiving more requests for assistance to our online email info line. ADHD Australia receives now around ten (10) emails per week requesting help or assistance in the treatment and management of ADHD, either from the individual themselves or from a parent. These requests are sent to the and responded generally within a 48 hour period.

Legal obligations & licences
1. ADHD Australia remains registered with the Australian Charities and Non-profits Commission (ACNC) and continues to maintain its Tax Deductable charity status (Designated Gift Recipient – DGR) as a Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
2. ADHD Australia is represented, and continues to abide by, the ‘Ethical Code of Conduct’ for fundraising as set out by the Fundraising Institute of Australia
3. ADHD Australia’s finances are externally and independently audited each year

Website development
A new website shell has been created for ADHD Australia. Our plan remains on track to test and launch this new website in September, just before ADHD Awareness Month.

It is only with the interest, passion, expertise and determination of various individuals on the board of ADHD, its volunteers and other individuals and ADHD groups who have an interest in providing a positive outcome for people living with ADHD and their families, that we have been able to achieve what we have these past months. Thank you all.

Yours sincerely,
Len Russell

ADHD Australia