FREE ONLINE ADHD COURSE – produced by OLT Australia in partnership with Parents for ADHD Advocacy Australia (PAAA).

PAAA in partnership with OnLine Training (Ltd), are thrilled to announce the launch of a new, free online short course on ADHD, available for Australian parents, teachers & the general public!
In the past, OLT have partnered with Departments of Education in Australia in developing flexible learning courses for teachers who support children with additional learning needs. They have also produced a number of free, open resources including one on Autism for Parents.

The new, free short course on ADHD, available to everyone, was borne out of a desire from PAAA to increase awareness & knowledge of ADHD in the general community, to help reduce stigma and to provide valuable support to parents and carers of children with ADHD.
The course provides an overview of ADHD presentations, prevalence, identification, comorbidities, strengths and how to support individuals with ADHD at home and at school.
Importantly, the course also represents the lived ADHD experience, with appearances from two amazing children with ADHD. A range of parents, teachers and doctors also contribute authentic video perspectives on a range of topics.

PAAA encourages you to review the course content, as it contains information that will be valuable to parents who are at any stage of the ADHD journey. We also encourage you to share this resource with family, friends and teachers!
You will need to register your details with OLT on the website in order to gain access to the free course. Please click here to access the OLT website.

This is one of PAAA’s biggest achievements and they are very thankful to OLT Ltd for developing the course as well as to ADHD Australia and the Australian ADHD Professionals Association (AADPA) for their assistance with video footage.

ADHD Australia